Saturday, November 28, 2009

What the hell is taking so long for people to make up?

Okay so I know that there are different things that have caused racial tensions but honestly, how d@mn long is it gonna take for people to get along? When it's not one race discriminating another it's another b!t(#!n6 about the other and it's so freaking stupid. Okay so yes it did used to be worse many years ago but still, can't we all just get along already? Like what the hell do all races need to do to get along already? Can't we all just respect eachother and quit complaining about how ';so and so screwed us over'; and how ';they don't want us here';? Unfortunately we can't turn back time and prevent the things that happened and even if we could, we probably wouldn't be able to convince our ancestors not to do this or that. So can't we all just make up, have some freaking agreement, and just get along already? I mean in the end nobody is safe. So are you all with me when I say that we need to stop this Bu[[$#!t and just get the fu{k over what happened years ago and just get along?What the hell is taking so long for people to make up?
It is called respect. The only way we will all get along is if we learn to respect each others views. That doesn't mean we have to agree on everything. Just give each person the respect due them.What the hell is taking so long for people to make up?
its a god war..and when two ';gods'; fights no one gets along.. i think take relagin away..and things would be better...
Too many people enjoy the conflict and some people have even become wealthy because of it.

It's also passed on from generation to generation, and even encouraged by some people in the entertainment industry.

Sad to say, racism will always be with us and some people like it that way.
No matter how you tried to get along with somebody, that's your phasing. Unless there's a third party that dictated on the second person to get rid of you, well that's another problem.

Make it a point not to get affected if one of these days you will suddenly discover that there's conspiracy going on.

Do take care and GOD BLESS!
We should all love one another.

It's what '; GOD '; tried to teach us in the Bible. Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of '; GOD ';.
As humans we are always going to face discrimination; either it be because of race, sex, what level of society we are from, etc etc. There are so many people out there who will never let go of what happened to THEIR ancestors long ago. Never mind the fact that it did not happen to them, and that things have certainly changed. Never mind the fact that the majority of those who still hold a grudge, act as though they are owed something. And never mind the fact that no matter how much is given to them, they will continue to hold that grudge. So this will never end, ever. I do agree that everyone deserves to be compensated for any past hurts or abuse. But when is enough, enough? However, it will never change when blacks, whites, hispanics, etc etc, continue to show hate for one another and continue to act as though their poo don't stink. I personally do not like confrontation and I give everyone a chance in this world; no matter the level of society, race, and past mistakes made by individuals.
Sure we can all get along. I do it all the time. I am an African-American woman married to an Italian-American man. My other best friend is Chinese.Chinese New Year is my favorite holiday.I went to a friend's house to celebrate St. Patricks Day.I taught enrichment classes on African-American history and culture and we celebrated Kwanzaa, a fascinating celebration that everyone would enjoy participating in. My hair dresser ( who kicksass BTW ) is Korean. If we would just look at each other and feel free to pass on a smile, we could all get along.If we were all courageous enough to step out of our little bubbles and become part of various cultures. We would forget what we hated about other races. Basically people don't know anything about other races or cultures and they make up ideas about the ';others'; . That is too bad. There is so much that we can offer each other to our own benefit.

I am a musician and I perform music from various world cultures. There is nothing cooler than music and its cultural roots. But, you can't expect a culture to just get over a wrong-doing. It is part of history and it shouldn't be forgotten. However, when this history is taught as it should, it can dredge up pain. This is part of the human element and it is more important to know about human journeys. Don't be annoyed when someone brings up what happened to their ancestors. Their ancestors are the ancestors of everyone because we are all human.Show respect for what happened years ago so that we can all get along.

Remember a smile is the key to ending racism.
Its Cultural in differences when people leave their country for a better life.It takes courage to start up a new life a new country, and I think the adults have to learn to accept and respect the country's law, but their fathers and their fathers had to be raised to be survivors themselves, and then it becomes a form of brainwashing without even realising it, forgetting they live in a country that is extremely forgiving, unlike most other countries.As a young girl i used to get picked on and bullied by the aboriginal kids after school because i was white pretty with long blond hair, every day they used to wait for me. I agree we do need to move on and get on and sign a peace treaty, but the problem there is lack of trust because of the lifestyle they have had to endure to survive, but at the same time we are all hypocrites, and if you let your guard down they will come busting through your door threatening your children,stealing precious items that has been in your family for eternity, I think you might have a different view if your property was damaged and one of your family got hurt. But keep praying for peace throughout the world and spread the love, but don't be gullible.
Its hard for some people to get past racial tensions. I am of mixed decent and I am all about diversity. I want to the whole world to come together. I don't know why some people are racist but I know that's not everyone. There are good people in the world and they shine. Hate is unhealthy and everyone is the same underneath their skin color.
Being an old bat, I can tell you truthfully that the real color of discrimination is green. Because without that you will be discriminated everywhere. We can't all be rich, but when any minority gains enough numbers to compete for land, jobs, etc., they will catch hell from the majority. Look at places that have few people of your race and you will find they have no problems getting along and are welcomed. It's only when 1000 more families move in that the trouble starts. So stop taking it personally and live your life as best you can.
All of these conflict, all these debates and arguments are caused by the notion of the “need to save others”, “we are the superior race” and “they are disbelievers”. If we could all embrace diversity and respect our common humanity. That should be the answer.
Humans are frickin idiots. If someone gave you a brown ferrari free would you say ';No, I want a white one'; or ';nah, red is my color'; You wouldnt judge the color, so why the hell do we judge our own people? I have no frickin clue man, but that is some rant going on there, nice.
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