Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cleaning my Bare Minerals make up brushes?

Does anyone know how to clean the bare minerals make up brushes without ruining them? If I have the MAC brush cleaner would that be safe to use?Cleaning my Bare Minerals make up brushes?
Step 1:

Run the bristles of the makeup brush under warm running water.

Step 2:

Apply a small amount of shampoo to bristles and work into a light lather.

Step 3:

Rinse bristles thoroughly under running water. You will notice that the water leaving the brush is tinted from old makeup.

Step 4:

Continue rinsing until no color leaves the brush.

Step 5:

Allow it to air-dry.Cleaning my Bare Minerals make up brushes?
I always wash mine like the first person suggested, works great!
yes i think it would

since it is a brush cleaner, and most brushes are the same. so i think mac would work.
ya its the same type of product sold from bare minerals..

i dont believe it would be good however to use soap since that might ruin the bristles and leave a residue..

but something alcohol based.. even put some rubbing alcohol on a towel and rub your brushes on that.
Yes, def use the MAC brush cleaner. It works on any kind of brush and works really well. Just put some onto a tissue and twirl the bursh around until you get it all off.

Try to wash your makeup brushes once a month with baby shampoo, too, because that makes them really nice and soft.
yup that would be safe

i wash mine with soap and water and works great

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